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Global protest of agricultural-menace Monsanto comes to Winnipeg.
March 11, 2012 – Winnipeg, Manitoba. On Friday, March 16th at 1pm, concerned citizens of Winnipeg will protest outside the Monsanto head office located in the Smart Park, University of Manitoba. Issues include insufficiently tested genetically-engineered foods, global food monopoly, terminator seeds and aggressive legal actions against individual farmers and small seed companies.
“There isn't a better way to show our opposition to such damaging policies they perpetuate than to protest outside their doors.” Occupy Monsanto Winnipeg statement.
Global opposition to Monanto has included class-action lawsuits filed against Monsanto by farmers, an international campaign “Millions Against Monsanto” and protests worldwide. In the aftermath of the earthquake that left the country of Haiti devastated, over ten thousand Haitian peasant farmers marched against Monsanto to protest the “donation” of hybrid seeds to replace the countries depleted stock. Hybrid seeds are engineered to be sterile after first harvest to stop farmers from saving and reusing seed, thus creating total dependence on the seed company.
Monsanto is the world’s largest biotech agricultural seed corporation based in the United States. Started in 1901 as an industrial chemical company, Monsanto has been notorious for producing such deadly compounds as Agent Orange, PCBs, DDT and more recently Roundup. Monsanto’s product Roundup, an herbicide with the active ingredient glyphosate, has been proven to cause birth defects. In recent years, crops have become resistant to Roundup and in some cases, multiple herbicides are now being used. Monsanto produces 90% of the world’s genetically-engineered seeds. Monsanto’s inadequate testing and failure to voluntarily label foods “GMO” has led to many countries, especially in the European Union, to ban all GMO foods.
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