Preziosa Magazine posted a photo:
orecchini bijoux
Original post
Clean My PC
sasetti posted a photo:
La notizia non so se fa ridere o fa piangere, però la riporto così come l'ho trovata!
"Il Ministro degli Esteri giapponese ha deciso di invitare persone da tutto il mondo affinché agiscano attraverso i social media come Facebook e Twitter, come parte delle contromisure contro "le chiacchiere senza fondamento" che hanno danneggiato l'agricoltura giapponese ed il turismo.
L'azione sarebbe quella di disseminare su Facebook e Twitter messaggi di sicurezza e di impressioni favorevoli al Giappone.
A partire da novembre, il ministro inviterà 15 persone dall'Europa, gli USA, la Cina e il Medio Oriente, scelte tra coloro che hanno un vasto seguito di amici sui social network. Saranno selezionate dalle ambasciate giapponesi, e saranno invitate a Fukushima, Miyagi e Iwate per verificare di persona com'è la situazione attuale!
Il ministro, inoltre, sta assumendo due persone che parlano inglese per usare Twitter per conto del ministero, i quali avranno il compito di diffondere il messaggio sulla bellezza del Giappone e come si è ben ripreso dal disastro dello tsunami.
Se ve la sentite di parlar bene del Giappone, e di sostenere che tutto va bene e blablabla vari, potete provare a candidarvi. In premio, vincerete un bel viaggio a Fukushima, dove, appunto, non c'è alcun problema se non chiacchiere senza fondamento.
In questo caso che si dice? In bocca al lupo?? O buona fortuna???
Sea Rabbit 7 (2011-present) posted a photo:
Sea Rabbit of Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York – This unique sea-dwelling rabbit (actually a close relative of the sea lion) was officially discovered and investigated by Henry Hudson when he first visited this land for colonize the area by the order of the Dutch government – it was named New Amsterdam (today’s New York City). This island was named after he saw the beach covered with strange swimming wild rabbits. The word “Coney Island” means “wild rabbit island” in Dutch (originally Conyne Eylandt, or Konijneneiland in modern Dutch spelling). Sea rabbits were also referred mermaid rabbit, merrabbit, rabbit fish or seal rabbit in the natural history documents in the 17th century. The current conservation status (risk of extinction) of the sea rabbit is Extinct in the Wild (EW) according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
Takeshi Yamada (山田 武司) is an artist with over 600 fine art exhibitions with his paintings and sculptures exhibited internationally in Spain, the Netherlands, Canada, Australia, Japan, Columbia, and the United States. Yamada and his artworks have also been featured in over 400 online video websites to date. Yamada is also one of the most influential and active educators in New York City with over 60 awards, recognitions and nominations including two “Keys to the City” awarded to him by city mayors. Yamada is also featured in “Who’s Who in America”, “One Thousand Great Americans”, and has been named “International Educator of the Year” by International Biographical Centre in England. He has also taught classes and given public lectures at over 40 educational institutions internationally. Yamada is also a prolific published author of articles, having also published 22 books. In addition, rogue taxidermy artworks of mythic creatures, sideshow gaffs, cryptozoological artworks, large sideshow banners and showfronts created by Yamada in the last 40 years have been exhibited at dozens of state fairs and festivals annually nationwide, up to and including the present.
Reference (videos featuring sea rabbits and Dr. Takeshi Yamada):
Reference (flickr):
Reference (newspaper articles and reviews):
Reference (fine art websites):
Reference (other videos):
The Labor Day Parade (aka West Indian-American Day Parade, West Indian Day Parade, West Indian Labor Day Parade, Caribbean Day Parade, Brooklyn Labor Day Carnival Parade) in Brooklyn, New York is the biggest parade in New York with over 3 million participants each year. The parade depicts elaborately designed costumes, illustrating beauty and pageantry. There are many masqueraders and huge sound trucks, some with live performers. The service roads have stands of vendors lined up selling foods, crafts, books, clothing, art, jewelry, and much more. The parade begins at 11am and ends at 6pm. There will be live performers in front of the viewing stage at the Brooklyn Library. The parade rout begins at the corner of Rochester & Eastern Parkway and ends near Grand Army Plaza in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York.
Preziosa Magazine posted a photo:
bracciale in resina maculata con inserto libellula in argento 925%
Sea Rabbit 7 (2011-2012) posted a photo:
Sea Rabbit of Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York – This unique sea-dwelling rabbit (actually a close relative of the sea lion) was officially discovered and investigated by Henry Hudson when he first visited this land for colonize the area by the order of the Dutch government – it was named New Amsterdam (today’s New York City). This island was named after he saw the beach covered with strange swimming wild rabbits. The word “Coney Island” means “wild rabbit island” in Dutch (originally Conyne Eylandt, or Konijneneiland in modern Dutch spelling). Sea rabbits were also referred mermaid rabbit, merrabbit, rabbit fish or seal rabbit in the natural history documents in the 17th century. The current conservation status (risk of extinction) of the sea rabbit is Extinct in the Wild (EW) according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
Takeshi Yamada (山田 武司) is an artist with over 600 fine art exhibitions with his paintings and sculptures exhibited internationally in Spain, the Netherlands, Canada, Australia, Japan, Columbia, and the United States. Yamada and his artworks have also been featured in over 400 online video websites to date. Yamada is also one of the most influential and active educators in New York City with over 60 awards, recognitions and nominations including two “Keys to the City” awarded to him by city mayors. Yamada is also featured in “Who’s Who in America”, “One Thousand Great Americans”, and has been named “International Educator of the Year” by International Biographical Centre in England. He has also taught classes and given public lectures at over 40 educational institutions internationally. Yamada is also a prolific published author of articles, having also published 22 books. In addition, rogue taxidermy artworks of mythic creatures, sideshow gaffs, cryptozoological artworks, large sideshow banners and showfronts created by Yamada in the last 40 years have been exhibited at dozens of state fairs and festivals annually nationwide, up to and including the present.
Reference (videos):
The Labor Day Parade (aka West Indian-American Day Parade, West Indian Day Parade, West Indian Labor Day Parade, Caribbean Day Parade, Brooklyn Labor Day Carnival Parade) in Brooklyn, New York is the biggest parade in New York with over 3 million participants each year. The parade depicts elaborately designed costumes, illustrating beauty and pageantry. There are many masqueraders and huge sound trucks, some with live performers. The service roads have stands of vendors lined up selling foods, crafts, books, clothing, art, jewelry, and much more. The parade begins at 11am and ends at 6pm. There will be live performers in front of the viewing stage at the Brooklyn Library. The parade rout begins at the corner of Rochester & Eastern Parkway and ends near Grand Army Plaza in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York.
Sea Rabbit 7 (2011-2012) posted a photo:
Sea Rabbit of Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York – This unique sea-dwelling rabbit (actually a close relative of the sea lion) was officially discovered and investigated by Henry Hudson when he first visited this land for colonize the area by the order of the Dutch government – it was named New Amsterdam (today’s New York City). This island was named after he saw the beach covered with strange swimming wild rabbits. The word “Coney Island” means “wild rabbit island” in Dutch (originally Conyne Eylandt, or Konijneneiland in modern Dutch spelling). Sea rabbits were also referred mermaid rabbit, merrabbit, rabbit fish or seal rabbit in the natural history documents in the 17th century. The current conservation status (risk of extinction) of the sea rabbit is Extinct in the Wild (EW) according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
Takeshi Yamada (山田 武司) is an artist with over 600 fine art exhibitions with his paintings and sculptures exhibited internationally in Spain, the Netherlands, Canada, Australia, Japan, Columbia, and the United States. Yamada and his artworks have also been featured in over 400 online video websites to date. Yamada is also one of the most influential and active educators in New York City with over 60 awards, recognitions and nominations including two “Keys to the City” awarded to him by city mayors. Yamada is also featured in “Who’s Who in America”, “One Thousand Great Americans”, and has been named “International Educator of the Year” by International Biographical Centre in England. He has also taught classes and given public lectures at over 40 educational institutions internationally. Yamada is also a prolific published author of articles, having also published 22 books. In addition, rogue taxidermy artworks of mythic creatures, sideshow gaffs, cryptozoological artworks, large sideshow banners and showfronts created by Yamada in the last 40 years have been exhibited at dozens of state fairs and festivals annually nationwide, up to and including the present.
Reference (videos featuring sea rabbits and Dr. Takeshi Yamada):
Reference (flickr):
Reference (newspaper articles & reviews):
Reference (fine art websites):
Reference (other videos):
The Labor Day Parade (aka West Indian-American Day Parade, West Indian Day Parade, West Indian Labor Day Parade, Caribbean Day Parade, Brooklyn Labor Day Carnival Parade) in Brooklyn, New York is the biggest parade in New York with over 3 million participants each year. The parade depicts elaborately designed costumes, illustrating beauty and pageantry. There are many masqueraders and huge sound trucks, some with live performers. The service roads have stands of vendors lined up selling foods, crafts, books, clothing, art, jewelry, and much more. The parade begins at 11am and ends at 6pm. There will be live performers in front of the viewing stage at the Brooklyn Library. The parade rout begins at the corner of Rochester & Eastern Parkway and ends near Grand Army Plaza in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York. posted a photo:
Ugg Australia
Collection Automne/Hiver 2011-2012
Fall/Winter 2011-2012 Collection
Colección Otoño/Invierno 2011-2012 posted a photo:
Ugg Australia
Collection Automne/Hiver 2011-2012
Fall/Winter 2011-2012 Collection
Colección Otoño/Invierno 2011-2012
mymysterylisa posted a photo:
In my blog you will find my videos of my salsa dances, it was a long dance which I split in various videos on YouTube. I used up my allowed space here on Flickr so please visit my YouTube channel to watch many of my videos. Excuse the running makeup and hair due to my long dance, hey it was fun! My blog has many more photos, videos, stories, and soon to come much more! Thank you! Kisses...Lisa!
mymysterylisa posted a photo:
In my blog you will find my videos of my salsa dances, it was a long dance which I split in various videos on YouTube. I used up my allowed space here on Flickr so please visit my YouTube channel to watch many of my videos. Excuse the running makeup and hair due to my long dance, hey it was fun! My blog has many more photos, videos, stories, and soon to come much more! Thank you! Kisses...Lisa!
israel21c_internal posted a photo:
An Israeli company Brainsway is stimulating neurons deep in the brain to treat brain disorders like depression. For the whole story see
FOAMAR posted a photo:
Another day, another breaking showbiz story for Steve Allen and his regular menagerie of zelebrities on London's LBC 97.3. Weekday mornings from 5am, and every Sunday from 8am.
Brings a new meaning to the phrase "Do the shake and vac".
sheratonvallarta posted a photo:
Avances de renovacion del malecon: Estara listo para los Panamericanos!
jackleisen posted a photo:
Yes that's blood, fish blood this is his feeding area,..
israel21c_internal posted a photo:
Prof. Abraham Zanger from Brainsway explains how the technology of deep brain stimulation can alleviate a number of brain disorders. For the whole story see
jackleisen posted a photo:
I took these pics some time ago and haven't had the time to finish, hope you Enjoy,..
sheratonvallarta posted a photo:
Avances de renovacion del malecon: Estara listo para los Panamericanos!
Ueek Comunicação Digital posted a photo:
Job: Layout para página web
Cliente: Puris Água Mineral Natural
Ano: 2011
Desenvolvimento: Ueek Comunicação Digital
Está em desenvolvimento com previsão para ficar online no começo de outubro.
josielee posted a photo:
Magazine: Salon News USA Magazine
Cover Model: Josie Lee
Photographer: Phillip Ritchie
MUA and wardrobe stylist: Andrea Dow
Jeweler: J. Jansen Jewelers
Regional magazine distributed in Illinois.
Inside credits and subscription page.
Sea Rabbit 7 (2011-2012) posted a photo:
Sea Rabbit of Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York – This unique sea-dwelling rabbit (actually a close relative of the sea lion) was officially discovered and investigated by Henry Hudson when he first visited this land for colonize the area by the order of the Dutch government – it was named New Amsterdam (today’s New York City). This island was named after he saw the beach covered with strange swimming wild rabbits. The word “Coney Island” means “wild rabbit island” in Dutch (originally Conyne Eylandt, or Konijneneiland in modern Dutch spelling). Sea rabbits were also referred mermaid rabbit, merrabbit, rabbit fish or seal rabbit in the natural history documents in the 17th century. The current conservation status (risk of extinction) of the sea rabbit is Extinct in the Wild (EW) according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
Takeshi Yamada (山田 武司) is an artist with over 600 fine art exhibitions with his paintings and sculptures exhibited internationally in Spain, the Netherlands, Canada, Australia, Japan, Columbia, and the United States. Yamada and his artworks have also been featured in over 400 online video websites to date. Yamada is also one of the most influential and active educators in New York City with over 60 awards, recognitions and nominations including two “Keys to the City” awarded to him by city mayors. Yamada is also featured in “Who’s Who in America”, “One Thousand Great Americans”, and has been named “International Educator of the Year” by International Biographical Centre in England. He has also taught classes and given public lectures at over 40 educational institutions internationally. Yamada is also a prolific published author of articles, having also published 22 books. In addition, rogue taxidermy artworks of mythic creatures, sideshow gaffs, cryptozoological artworks, large sideshow banners and showfronts created by Yamada in the last 40 years have been exhibited at dozens of state fairs and festivals annually nationwide, up to and including the present.
Reference (videos):
The Labor Day Parade (aka West Indian-American Day Parade, West Indian Day Parade, West Indian Labor Day Parade, Caribbean Day Parade, Brooklyn Labor Day Carnival Parade) in Brooklyn, New York is the biggest parade in New York with over 3 million participants each year. The parade depicts elaborately designed costumes, illustrating beauty and pageantry. There are many masqueraders and huge sound trucks, some with live performers. The service roads have stands of vendors lined up selling foods, crafts, books, clothing, art, jewelry, and much more. The parade begins at 11am and ends at 6pm. There will be live performers in front of the viewing stage at the Brooklyn Library. The parade rout begins at the corner of Rochester & Eastern Parkway and ends near Grand Army Plaza in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York.
Sea Rabbit 7 (2011-2012) posted a photo:
Sea Rabbit of Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York – This unique sea-dwelling rabbit (actually a close relative of the sea lion) was officially discovered and investigated by Henry Hudson when he first visited this land for colonize the area by the order of the Dutch government – it was named New Amsterdam (today’s New York City). This island was named after he saw the beach covered with strange swimming wild rabbits. The word “Coney Island” means “wild rabbit island” in Dutch (originally Conyne Eylandt, or Konijneneiland in modern Dutch spelling). Sea rabbits were also referred mermaid rabbit, merrabbit, rabbit fish or seal rabbit in the natural history documents in the 17th century. The current conservation status (risk of extinction) of the sea rabbit is Extinct in the Wild (EW) according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
Takeshi Yamada (山田 武司) is an artist with over 600 fine art exhibitions with his paintings and sculptures exhibited internationally in Spain, the Netherlands, Canada, Australia, Japan, Columbia, and the United States. Yamada and his artworks have also been featured in over 400 online video websites to date. Yamada is also one of the most influential and active educators in New York City with over 60 awards, recognitions and nominations including two “Keys to the City” awarded to him by city mayors. Yamada is also featured in “Who’s Who in America”, “One Thousand Great Americans”, and has been named “International Educator of the Year” by International Biographical Centre in England. He has also taught classes and given public lectures at over 40 educational institutions internationally. Yamada is also a prolific published author of articles, having also published 22 books. In addition, rogue taxidermy artworks of mythic creatures, sideshow gaffs, cryptozoological artworks, large sideshow banners and showfronts created by Yamada in the last 40 years have been exhibited at dozens of state fairs and festivals annually nationwide, up to and including the present.
Reference (videos):
The Labor Day Parade (aka West Indian-American Day Parade, West Indian Day Parade, West Indian Labor Day Parade, Caribbean Day Parade, Brooklyn Labor Day Carnival Parade) in Brooklyn, New York is the biggest parade in New York with over 3 million participants each year. The parade depicts elaborately designed costumes, illustrating beauty and pageantry. There are many masqueraders and huge sound trucks, some with live performers. The service roads have stands of vendors lined up selling foods, crafts, books, clothing, art, jewelry, and much more. The parade begins at 11am and ends at 6pm. There will be live performers in front of the viewing stage at the Brooklyn Library. The parade rout begins at the corner of Rochester & Eastern Parkway and ends near Grand Army Plaza in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York.
david_shankbone posted a photo:
Sunday and Wall Street remains barricaded to the public and tourists alike, which means it has been effectively "taken over" for 9 days by Occupy Wall Street. Photos from Zuccotti Park, September 25, 2011.
David Shankbone
Check out photos from Day 1
Check out photos from Day 2
Check out photos from Day 3
Check out photos from Day 7
Check out photos from Day 8
Check out more photos from Day 9
Dunechaser posted a photo:
New microscale version of the modular building series. Read complete details on The Brothers Brick.
(Official photos shared with written permission from The LEGO Group.)
MileyLights<33. posted a photo:
I'm really out of this flickr/cover world i hate college haha,
i'm supossed to be in graphic design and i'm using materials like and arts class :S
is really weird.
hope you like this cover haha i'm so obsessed with the song
and don't blame me about the topaz and the horrible text, my computer is dying haha.
Dunechaser posted a photo:
New microscale version of the modular building series. Read complete details on The Brothers Brick.
(Official photos shared with written permission from The LEGO Group.)
jackleisen posted a photo:
These three are the parents to all the wild Mallard in the yard,..
Dunechaser posted a photo:
New microscale version of the modular building series. Read complete details on The Brothers Brick.
(Official photos shared with written permission from The LEGO Group.)
jackleisen posted a photo:
These are some left-overs,..Enjoy,.
Dunechaser posted a photo:
New microscale version of the modular building series. Read complete details on The Brothers Brick.
(Official photos shared with written permission from The LEGO Group.)
BurgersPhotos posted a photo:
New Way to Read the News ipad
Canon 60D
Canon 50mm f/1.8 II
Los Angeles Times
paulmoseleyphotos posted a photo:
Easy to use viewfinder is compatible with eyeglasses - no eye cup needed, just a big sheet of black cloth. The vintage Graflex telephoto sports camera used in the 40's by Fort Worth Star-Telegram photographers. Photographed 9/23/11, Fort Worth, TX. (Copyright Fort Worth Star-Telegram/Paul Moseley) May not be downloaded or reproduced without specific permission.
ColoradoSenateGOP posted a photo:
Banner and logo for the Capitol dome repair.
zabaraorg posted a photo:
If you want to use this photos please contact me -
You can see other my photos and slideshows on my website -
jackleisen posted a photo:
This guy was easy 7ft wing span the largest I've seen so far,,..